Wednesday, May 28, 2008


More surgery, more drugs, and more injections are not what the doctor ordered.

Tallahassee, Florida, May 20, 2008 When it comes to chronic back pain management patients should know that “less is more.” The American Pain Society at their annual meeting unveiled a current review on invasive procedures for the treatment of chronic low back. The scientific review concluded that most invasive interventions, including spinal joint injections, radiofrequency denervation, intradiscal electrothermal therapy demonstrated no evidence of effectiveness. Furthermore, surgical procedures for chronic low back pain demonstrated only small improvement in pain and disability but were accompanied by considerable risk.

"The expert panel reaffirms its previous recommendation that all low-back pain patients stay active and talk honestly with their physicians about self care and other interventions. "In general, non-invasive therapies supported by evidence showing benefits should be tried before considering interventional therapies or surgery," said Chou."

“The American Pain Society panel has acknowledged the central role of an active physical therapy program in managing low back pain patients,” noted Timothy W. Flynn PT, PhD, President of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists. “The key in chronic low back pain is avoiding too much medicine. There is no magic bullet but a combination of hands on care and an active exercise approach is the best solution.”

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